Thursday, August 27, 2009

Slovakia Wears White

To view this movie, "Slovakia Wears White", please visit the upload on YouTube here
These photographs are of parts of Eastern Slovakia during the winter season.
Cover: Hands in the snow, Spišký Hrad
Photo 1: Kúpele Štós
Photo 2: Slovakia's national ice-hockey team just after winning their game
Photo 3: Closed for the winter, Spišký Hrad in a shroud of light clouds
Photo 4: A frozen forest in Košice
Photo 5: Skiers in Jahodná on the first day of the new year
Photo 6: Vysoké Tatry (High Tatras) covered in snow, as seen from a frozen Strbske Pleso
Photo 7: The river freezes over as the first snows come to Margecany
Photo 8: A view from Spišký Hrad on a winter morning
Photo 9:  Nízke Tatry (Low Tatras) as seen from Vysoké Tatry
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